Pedrini technology for those looking for Qualità

Qualità Granitos e Mármores - Vitoria, Espirito Santo - has installed a Pedrini plant composed of:
- the exclusive polishing line with the polisher Galaxy B220 equipped with 20 heads for 7 abrasives.
A full automated polishing line equipped with two loaders Butterfly B416 for book match loading and unloading systems, a waxing machine with 4 spindles M242, a scanner M257 and a unit for the distribution of anti-scratch substance M247. - Resinline with Microwave oven and Robot for net and resin application. Composed of tunnel drying system and storage towers, anthrophomorphic Robot for the net application and the automatic resining operation, the exclusive Microwave oven B460MW which allows a perfect catalysis by speeding up the chemical reaction and loading and unloading operations by means of double Butterfly B416 units to serve the two buildings.
The slabs handling during the different operations is performed through motorized slabs-carrying trolleys, which allow the operator to avoid moving the slabs by crane, and through two double transfer trolleys which feed the lines smoothly and quickly.
A plant, nowadays considered by Pedrini, as one of the most efficient worldwide.